Source code for sectionproperties.pre.bisect_section

"""A number of functions required to bisect shapely geometries."""

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from shapely import GeometryCollection, LineString, Polygon

[docs] def create_line_segment( point_on_line: tuple[float, float] | npt.NDArray[np.float64], vector: npt.NDArray[np.float64], bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float], ) -> LineString: """Create a line segment given a point, vector and bounds. Return a LineString of a line that contains ``point_on_line`` in the direction of ``vector`` bounded by ``bounds``. Args: point_on_line: Point on line vector: Line direction bounds: Min and max ordinates of geometry Returns: Line string defined as per docstring """ p_x, p_y = point_on_line b_2 = max(bounds) b_1 = min(bounds) if abs(vector[0]) > 1e-12: # Not a vertical line scale_factor_2 = (b_2 - p_x) / vector[0] y_2 = scale_factor_2 * vector[1] + p_y scale_factor_1 = (b_1 - p_x) / vector[0] y_1 = scale_factor_1 * vector[1] + p_y return LineString([(b_1, y_1), (b_2, y_2)]) else: # Vertical line scale_factor_2 = (b_2 - p_y) / vector[1] x_2 = scale_factor_2 * vector[0] + p_x scale_factor_1 = (b_1 - p_y) / vector[1] x_1 = scale_factor_1 * vector[0] + p_x return LineString([(x_1, b_1), (x_2, b_2)])
[docs] def group_top_and_bottom_polys( polys: GeometryCollection, line: LineString, ) -> tuple[list[Polygon], list[Polygon]]: """Sort polygons into groups above and below a line. Returns a tuple of two lists representing the list of polygons in ``polys`` on the "top" side of ``line`` and the list of polygons on the "bottom" side of the ``line`` after the original geometry has been split by ``line``. The 0th tuple element is the "top" polygons and the 1st element is the "bottom" polygons. In the event that ``line`` is a perfectly vertical line, the "top" polys are the polygons on the "right" of the ``line`` and the "bottom" polys are the polygons on the "left" of the ``line``. Args: polys: Collection of polygons to sort line: Line about which polygons have been split Returns: List of polygons above and below the line """ top_acc = [] bot_acc = [] for poly in polys.geoms: m, b = line_mx_plus_b(line) px, py = poly.representative_point().coords[0] if b is not None: # Not a vertical line (special case) y_test = m * px + b if py < y_test: bot_acc.append(poly) elif py > y_test: top_acc.append(poly) else: # The special case of vertical line lx, _ = line.coords[0] if px < lx: bot_acc.append(poly) elif px > lx: top_acc.append(poly) return top_acc, bot_acc
[docs] def line_mx_plus_b( line: LineString, ) -> tuple[float, float | None]: """Get the slope and y-intercept of a line. Returns a tuple representing the values of "m" and "b" from the definition of ``line`` as "y = mx + b". Args: line: Line to define Returns: Gradient and y-intercept of line, ``(1, None)`` if vertical """ y2, y1 = line.coords[1][1], line.coords[0][1] x2, x1 = line.coords[1][0], line.coords[0][0] if x2 - x1 == 0: return (1, None) m_slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) point_on_line = line.coords[0] p_x, p_y = point_on_line # solve line eqn for b given a known point on the line b_intercept = p_y - m_slope * p_x return (m_slope, b_intercept)