to_fibre_section# Geometry | CompoundGeometry | Section, *, main_section_tag: int = 1, analysis_type: str = '3DOS', material_mapping: dict[str, int] | None = None, max_width: int = 160, save_to: str | None = None) str[source]#

Export a section to the corresponding commands to create a fibre section.

For a given geometry, this function computes necessary sectional properties and exports the corresponding commands to create a fibre/composite section that can be used in suanPan.

  • obj (Geometry | CompoundGeometry | Section) – The geometry/section to be exported

  • main_section_tag (int) – The tag of the main section

  • analysis_type (str) – The type of analysis would be performed

  • material_mapping (dict[str, int] | None) – A dictionary mapping material names to material tags

  • max_width (int) – The maximum width of a line in the output

  • save_to (str | None) – The path to save the output to

  • TypeError – If obj is not a Geometry or Section

  • ValueError – If analysis_type is not 2D, 3D or 3DOS


The exported commands

Return type:
