Approximation of Torsion Constant for Trapezoidal Sections

Trapezoidal elements or components of a cross-section are quite common in bridge structures, either concrete or steel composite construction. However, it’s common to determine the torsion constant of the trapezoidal section by using a rectangular approximation. For example, this is done in the Autodesk Structural Bridge Design software when there is a haunch in a Steel Composite Beam

The question then arises, when is it appropriate to make the rectangular approximation to a trapezoidal section, and what might the expected error be?

Define the Imports

Here we bring in the primative section shapes and also the more generic Shapely Polygon object.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely import Polygon
import sectionproperties.pre.geometry as geometry
import sectionproperties.pre.pre as pre
import sectionproperties.pre.library.primitive_sections as sections
from sectionproperties.analysis.section import Section

Define the Calculation Engine

It’s better to collect the relevant section property calculation in a single function. We are only interested in the torsion constant, so this is straightforward enough. geom is the Section Property Geometry object; ms is the mesh size.

def get_section_j(geom, ms, plot_geom=False):
    section = Section(geom)
    if plot_geom:
    return section.get_j()

Define the Mesh Density

The number of elements per unit area is an important input to the calculations even though we are only examining ratios of the results. A nominal value of 100 is reasonable.

n = 100  # mesh density

Create and Analyse the Section

This function accepts the width b and a slope S to create the trapezoid. Since we are only interested in relative results, the nominal dimensions are immaterial. There are a few ways to parametrize the problem, but it has been found that setting the middle height of trapezoid (i.e. the average height) to a unit value works fine.

def do_section(b, S, d_mid=1, plot_geom=False):
    delta = S * d_mid
    d1 = d_mid - delta
    d2 = d_mid + delta

    # compute mesh size
    ms = d_mid * b / n

    points = []
    points.append([0, 0])
    points.append([0, d1])
    points.append([b, d2])
    points.append([b, 0])
    if S < 1.0:
        trap_geom = geometry.Geometry(Polygon(points))
        trap_geom = sections.triangular_section(h=d2, b=b)
    jt = get_section_j(trap_geom, ms, plot_geom)

    rect_geom = sections.rectangular_section(d=(d1 + d2) / 2, b=b)
    jr = get_section_j(rect_geom, ms, plot_geom)
    return jt, jr, d1, d2

Example Section

The analysis for a particular section looks as follows:

b, S = 4.0, 0.3
jt, jr, d1, d2 = do_section(b, S, plot_geom=True)
print(f"{b=}; {S=}; {jr=}; {jt=}; {jr/jt}")
  • Finite Element Mesh
  • Finite Element Mesh
b=4.0; S=0.3; jr=1.1236937204755924; jt=1.1530949943412052; 0.9745022968533389

Create Loop Variables

The slope S is 0 for a rectangle, and 1 for a triangle and is defined per the plot below. A range of S, between 0.0 and 1.0 and a range of b are considered, between 1 and 10 here (but can be extended)

b_list = np.logspace(0, np.log10(10), 10)
S_list = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10)
j_rect = np.zeros((len(b_list), len(S_list)))
j_trap = np.zeros((len(b_list), len(S_list)))

The Main Loop

Execute the double loop to get the ratios for combinations of S and b.

An optional deugging line is left in for development but commented out.

for i, b in enumerate(b_list):
    for j, S in enumerate(S_list):
        jt, jr, d1, d2 = do_section(b, S)
        j_trap[i][j] = jt
        j_rect[i][j] = jr

        # print(f"{b=:.3}; {S=:.3}; {d1=:.5}; {d2=:.5}; J rect = {j_rect[i][j]:.5e}; J trap = {j_trap[i][j]:.5e}; J ratio = {j_rect[i][j]/j_trap[i][j]:.5}")

Calculate the Ratios

Courtesy of numpy, this is easy:

j_ratio = j_rect / j_trap

Plot the Results

Here we highlight a few of the contours to illustrate the accuracy and behaviour of the approximation.

As expected, when the section is rectangular, the error is small, but as it increases towards a triangle the accuracy generally reduces. However, there is an interesting line at an aspect ratio of about 2.7 where the rectangular approximation is always equal to the trapezoid’s torsion constant.

levels = np.arange(start=0.5, stop=1.5, step=0.05)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
cs = plt.contour(
    levels=[0.95, 0.99, 1.00, 1.01, 1.05],
plt.clabel(cs, colors="k", fontsize=10)
plt.contourf(S_list, b_list, j_ratio, 25, cmap="Wistia", levels=levels)
# plt.yscale('log')
minor_x_ticks = np.linspace(min(S_list), max(S_list), 10)
# plt.xticks(minor_x_ticks,minor=True)
plt.grid(which="both", ls=":")
plt.xlabel(r"Slope $S = (d_2-d_1)/(d_2+d_1); d_2\geq d_1, d_1\geq 0$")
plt.ylabel("Aspect $b/d_{ave}; d_{ave} = (d_1 + d_2)/2$")
    r"Accuracy of rectangular approximation to trapezoid torsion constant $J_{rect}\, /\, J_{trapz}$",
Accuracy of rectangular approximation to trapezoid torsion constant $J_{rect}\, /\, J_{trapz}$

Total running time of the script: ( 3 minutes 42.275 seconds)

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