Frame Analysis#

This example demonstrates how to perform a frame analysis in sectionproperties.

A frame analysis calculates only the cross-section properties required for a frame analysis:

  • Cross-section area

  • Second moments of area about the centroidal axis

  • Torsion constant

  • Principal axis angle

As a result, it is significantly more efficient than conducting both geometric and warping analyses, which is ususally required to obtain the above results.

This example will analyse a 12-sided polygonal hollow section and compare the time taken for a typical warping analysis with that taken for a frame analysis.

Create Geometry and Section#

from sectionproperties.analysis import Section
from sectionproperties.pre.library import polygon_hollow_section

geom = polygon_hollow_section(d=600, t=12, n_sides=12, r_in=20, n_r=8)
sec = Section(geometry=geom)
<Axes: title={'center': 'Finite Element Mesh'}>

Geometric and Warping Analysis#

First we can time how long it takes to perform a geometric and warping analysis.

import time

start = time.time()
end = time.time()
gw_time = end - start

We can print the time taken and the torsion constant to compare results.

print(f"Geometric/Warping Time = {gw_time:.4f} secs")
print(f"J = {sec.get_j():.3e} mm4")
Geometric/Warping Time = 7.5973 secs
J = 1.769e+09 mm4

Frame Analysis#

Now we can time how long it takes to perform a frame analysis.

start = time.time()
end = time.time()
f_time = end - start

Again, we can print the time taken and the torsion constant.

print(f"Frame Time = {f_time:.4f} secs")
print(f"J = {sec.get_j():.3e} mm4")
Frame Time = 2.2667 secs
J = 1.769e+09 mm4

By not calculating shear functions, shear & warping integrals etc. required for a full warping analysis, significant time is saved if the user only wants frame properties.