
These instructions will get you a copy of sectionproperties up and running on your local machine. You will need a working copy of python>=3.5 on your machine.

Installing sectionproperties

sectionproperties uses meshpy to efficiently generate a conforming triangular mesh in order to perform a finite element analysis of the structural cross-section. The installation procedure for of meshpy depends on your local machine.

UNIX (MacOS/Linux)

sectionproperties and all of its dependencies can be installed through the python package index:

$ pip install sectionproperties

If you have any issues installing meshpy, refer to the installation instructions on its github page or its documentation.


Install meshpy by downloading the appropriate installation wheel.

Navigate to the location of the downloaded wheel and install using pip:

$ cd Downloads
$ pip install MeshPy‑2018.2.1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl

Once meshpy has been installed, the rest of the sectionproperties package can be installed using the python package index:

$ pip install sectionproperties

Testing the Installation

Python unittest modules are located in the sectionpropertes.tests package. To see if your installation is working correctly, run this simple test:

$ python -m unittest sectionproperties.tests.test_rectangle